

Instagram Bio:

@inscriptu x @theurbanartshop Mon to Fri 9-5

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"Dots started as a nickname in 2010 but I officially first started introducing myself as Dots when I started doing art shows back in 2012, with my first big show with Ruben Torres and The Heart of Lucha. Since then, I’ve established my name as Dots One and have created a brand name where I connect my services such as art, graphic design, healing thru tarot readings and digital aura readings, pop-up vending where I display my art and jewelry. I also extend services to my job at Inscriptu, a local print shop based out of City Heights where I work as a printer and graphic designer. I love connecting the dots for friends and community members that are taking next steps to up their brands and names!"
- SDVoyager

Find The Artist...

"Through my art, I've learned to love and appreciate myself as well as, learning to accept the magic of my art. "
Recently Created with DotsOne at The Urban Art Shop

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